Sunday, July 19, 2020

Once socially woke, politically validated, academically sophisticated and/or religiously enlightened...

Once socially woke (as inanely popularized), politically validated, academically sophisticated and/or religiously enlightened, if the subsequent intent and endeavor are to force others to behave, speak even think likewise, then obviously your wokeness, validation, sophistication and/or enlightenment lack firstly the ability to properly argue and effectively convince, lack secondly the knowledge and logic to properly argue and effectively convince and/or lack thirdly the actual existence of such knowledge and logic so to properly argue and effectively convince. However most importantly your proclaimed wokeness, validation, sophistication and/or enlightenment lack overall the regard for others' dissent therefore nonexistent any recognition of justice, any perception of equality, any understanding of right(s), any awareness of ethic, consequently gone any sense of humanity.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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