Friday, September 20, 2019

Why not consider secession...

As much (convenient) hate there is for the current president as well his party thus supporters, as there was (convenient) hate for the previous president as well his party thus supporters, one would think secession by states, regions, counties even cities and towns would be a popular consideration. Think about it. A state or city as its own country, all like-minded per commonly held Cronyism, Socialism, Police-Statism or Militarism, Marxism, Fascism, Paternalism, Protectionism or any other preferred form of Interventionism. In this way, one would never have to sip coffee near "deplorables" in the same cafe even vicinity again. :-)

Instead everyone would rather solicit enough support so to seize power over 300+ million people, forcefully impose their preferences upon all thus appeasing solely the consenting while selfishly, cruelly subjugating the dissenting. Why? The aforementioned forms of Interventionism require not only the labor and resource of the consenting, but the dissenting as well. For this reason, moral arguments are conjured and crafted to justify the use of inhumane force for the confiscation of resource hence conscription of labor; fair share of taxes, transfer of wealth or property, national duty or obligation, etc.

At the end of day, covetousness is at the heart of it all. Therefore it is the worst of perversions by the dissatisfaction that remains though having exercised one's own preferences, not fully satisfied until forcefully imposing upon others to think and act likewise. It is logically astonishing as it is ethically appalling.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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