Tuesday, September 10, 2019

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 132

Most likely to be published later this fall/winter of 2019/2020, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 132 - Incapable of Gray / Part 3

      Perhaps it would be appropriate to enumerate examples by inquiring once again (see previous book’s Nos. 1-4, 83-90). What is murder if not termination of human life without Consent? What is rape or sexual violation, if not physically intimate activity without Consent? What is slavery if not employment, labor or duty without Consent? What is theft or extortion, if not barter, purchase, loan, gift or charity without Consent? What is assault if not a spar or match without Consent? What is abduction if not association, guardian or companionship without Consent?

      What is an intruder if not a relative, friend or guest crossing the door’s threshold without Consent?  What is an invader if not an ally crossing the border without Consent? What is morality or ethic without consistency if not individual prerogative, mere arbitrariness even heedless whimsy?  Logically, consistency demands exhaustive inquires similar to what was asked of murder, rape slavery and theft. 

      More specifically, what is tyranny if not any governance without Consent? It matters not the form whether it is theocracy, monocracy, plutocracy, perhaps oligarchy, democracy, ochlocracy or another, only unanimous Consent initially and continuously determines the arrangement as tolerable, acceptable, desirable, justifiable even ethical. If unanimous Consent minus simply one, two, three or more individuals, then intolerable, unacceptable, undesirable, unjustifiable even unethical.

      What is the justification of any arrangement intimate, private, philosophical, spiritual, theological, public, social or political between two persons or more if not Consent expressed by each individual? To go further, what is the justification of any arrangement between two dozen, two hundred, two thousand, two million or more people if not Consent expressed initially and continuously by each individual?

      What is the justification of any political, economic Ism if not Consent expressed by every seller, buyer, barterer, trader, producer, consumer, investor, entrepreneur, lender, borrower, employer, employee, manager, labor and all other various participants in the economy? Again, to go further, what is Communism, Fascism, Old European Mercantilism, American Cronyism, as well Socialism (always dependent on any of the former), if not imposition, intervention and intrusion upon economic activity, of course lacking unanimous Consent, thus lacking justification?

      What is Tyranny or Slavery? It is one's presumption to benefit by unilaterally exacted force from another's time or products of time (i.e. monies, possessions, properties, etc.) of course without the latter's consent. At length, it is one's presumption to benefit by unilaterally exacted force from another's exertions of all sorts physical, economical, sexual, intellectual, psychological, emotional, etc. of course without the latter's consent. 


Question neo-truths and hoary lies, either oft connived
Attired withal bane, polity then gains per the contrived
Slurred verses for blurred curses o’er private purses
O covetousness fitly stirs as the public booty disperses

Questions hued then honed for common consumption
Subsumption of truths-on-stones within the presumption
Contemptuousness upon covetousness sweetly hymned
Deceitfully prim, thus all be damned while all bedimmed


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2019 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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