Thursday, September 19, 2019

Personal character thus private behavior... Presidency of United States

Personal character thus private behavior do not morally distinguishes how one executes the most powerful, tyrannical office in the world; Presidency of United States. I'm quite sure many despots and dictators throughout history were kind and generous to family even to small circle of friends as well various cronies. And lets be plain, the offering of kindness, generosity, encouragement, empathy, accolades, recognition, benefits, favors to enough people so to garner sufficient political support is always the necessary strategy for such rise to power. Consequently, the required measure of this whorish strategy is consistently proportional to the desired measure of power.

However, the blame is not one-sided. For as long Americans are selfishly, covetously, greedily unwilling to reduce the Oval Office along with Congressional seats to very few and narrowly defined powers, then the occupants' character and behavior matter little to none as they presumptuously, arrogantly, unethically even inhumanely execute their offices.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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