Monday, September 2, 2019

Conspiracy; equated to that of unicorns and leprechauns?

The government and its media cronies have successfully equated "conspiracy" to that of unicorns and leprechauns, so much so, merely mentioning the word elicits ridicule and slander upon the targeted "loons" by the well behaved masses. Conspiracy is merely a process of conspiring, that is to say, secretly discussing then organizing of one or more actions towards predetermined objectives, while others uninvolved remain intentionally unaware. There are departments, agencies and bureaus whose intentions, functions and operations are mostly if not entirely done in secret. Yet conspiracy thus corruption, theft, fraud, extortion even murder are preposterous? So conditioned by propaganda (i.e. public education and mainstream news), the people stand ready to recklessly toss aside leaks and evidences in favor of prepared narratives by government as well by the exposed department, agency or bureau.

We don't have the truth for we don't want it. We adolescently prefer unburdening ourselves of the responsibility truth otherwise insists, even unashamedly preferring the lies upon coveting the benefits perceived while always elusive.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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