Wednesday, September 4, 2019

No one behaves privately as though the world is "gray"

Often I am told I am naive, that I morally see in "black and white" the world they argue is full of "gray". I would politely retort, show me one person who would not bristle, recoil even anger, resist when their expressed, implied even assumed dissent is imposed upon by another regardless if relative, friend or stranger.

No matter the popular rhetoric, no one behaves privately as though the world is "gray". Instead throughout the day, each and every person is constantly, continuously consenting versus dissenting per innumerable decisions, actions, activities, scenarios, arrangements, etc. with the full and rightful expectation to be respected thus unintruded.

The world is seen as "black and white", for the specie human is innately equipped with the peculiar ability to reason, and as such, incapable to think and behave by any other perception. The notion of "gray", as well other definitions of morality, are merely convenient arguments or constructs, always complex and inconsistent, for the sole purpose to covet thus presume the use of force by some means political or criminal.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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