Friday, September 13, 2019

Politically, can anyone logically, ethically define "fair"?

Politically, can anyone logically, ethically define "fair"?

And there lies the problem whenever the word "fair" is referred and elevated to justify political arguments regardless the issue. For politics is the legalization thus execution of various types of force. Consequently, political discussion is the debating even bickering over the legalization thus execution of various types of force.

Ultimately, political processes are always the garnering of enough people consenting so to impose and coerce the remaining people dissenting by the legalization thus execution of various types of force. Unavoidably, an ethical dilemma emerges, for it matters not the ratio between those consenting versus dissenting, continuously unresolved even if 99.01% versus 0.01%.

Fairness thus equality, within a social context and/or political system dependent solely on the legalization thus execution of various types of force, cannot be defined and implemented without arbitrariness, biases, prejudices and corruption therefore covetousness, presumption, arrogance and violence.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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