Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Love a political force says candidate Marianne Williamson... What?

As wonderful this proposition (quote below) may seem to some, it is merely sentimental, emotional as well nonintellectual, illogical, nonsensical, delusional and when actually pursued, tyrannical...

"Love can be a political force, and we must employ it as such if we hope to transform our country."

Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson

... Well intended politicians have forever been as intrusive and oppressive to societies thus to individuals as any mean-spirited despot or monstrous dictator. For political force like criminal force is wielded in the hands of mere mortals, inherently self-interested as any other human being, equally burdened by the universal propensities toward error and excess, compounded by the common temptations to covet and presume therefore violate.

Ms Williamson's love will no more ethically distinguish her if politically empowered as president than another's hate similarly endowed. For in both cases, the consented will be appeased of course while the dissented quite trampled.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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