Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Have we rightly honored those who died on 11 September 2001?

To honor those who died on 11 September 2001, is to remember them as we would anyone else who passed on regardless the situation. If singly or massively murdered by individuals or groups, we avenge by properly engaging investigation, diligently gathering evidence, legally charging suspects followed by timely commencing due process thus trial by jury or judge so to determine the accused as guilty beyond shadow of doubt else not guilty, then respectively sentenced or promptly freed. If killed upon invasion by a foreign government, we militarily react to quell any aggression in progress only to pause thereafter in order to publicly debate as well congressionally deliberate and vote towards a constitutional declaration of war or not.

That is, if we were a civil society oppose to a presumptuous empire. As the latter, we ignored the preceding decades of foreign meddling, intervening and disrupting, implicated whole countries with little to no evidence, propagandized the world and ourselves too, therefore invaded, destroyed, occupied hence indiscriminately killed by bombing and drone'ing as well captured, tortured, denied rights and due process, allowed wholesale domestic spying and arresting of whistle-blowers in record numbers, continuously, increasingly with no end in sight 18 years later.

Have we rightly honored those who died on 11 September 2001? Individually, we each must judge such things for ourselves. Nationally, by the endless warmongering, I must say without hesitation; we have not! My apologies.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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