Wednesday, August 15, 2018

And I continue unashamed to egomaniacally quote myself... :-)

And I continue unashamed to egomaniacally  quote myself... :-)

As quoted from my forthcoming 10th book entitled 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. Performing my final review, to be published/available in a few weeks...

"The good citizen, the obedient subject and the sacrificial patriot are always the objectives of government, thus externally generous as internally anxious to educate the youth, the preferred means to the coveted ends. For truly coveted are individuals’ life, liberty and property, so much so, government will forcefully take them from individuals or cleverly convince individuals to give them up quite willingly."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"The third Jeffersonian right, the unalienable Pursuit of Happiness, have become the copious denotation, fallacious justification and erroneous summation of all rights conjured thereafter. Encouraging political otherwise criminal actions to underwrite imaginary rights, while theft and confiscation are justified even moralized as taxation and eminent domain."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"If the aims of United States were peace as declared by President Bush in 2004, then were aims achieved, for whom, and at what cost? If not ambitions of empire, then someone, anyone identify and define the objectives for two centuries (and more) of violently aspirant preoccupation towards domination. Determined to perpetuate the fiction, President Obama declared at the 2009 inauguration, “America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.” O Peace; an era yet begun thus a role yet played. Regrettably, Christian-Americans persist to hymn their hypocrisy to the Prince of Peace, as Other-Americans insist to glorify their trifles and arbitraries, while hailing as God’s anointed or morally enlightened their preferred warmongering Caesars."

D.C. Quillan Stone

Quotes by D.C. Quillan Stone

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