Monday, August 20, 2018

It started with an idea

It started with an idea and working title My Allegiance (purposely misleading) in 2006 while writing thematically related verses for the 4th book Commentaries by an American Poet. At the time, I was conducting a 6-week solo peace demonstration in front of the Alabama state capitol in Montgomery, when on a hot August afternoon while looking down Dexter Avenue from the capitol steps, I decided to write a book on "my allegiance" to peace and liberty oppose to merely a flag and a country-turned-empire. Although it became immediately clear, more reading, studying and pondering were necessary thus repeated a thousand times in preparation. Of course many books, essays, lectures, articles, interviews, podcasts, videos, etc have influenced this project, it was the particular re-reading the two treatises by Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) entitled Human Action and Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition that morphed the emphasis from peace and freedom to the Singular Human Right to Consent, thus inseparably the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason.

The lower 4 photos were taken by sympathetic onlookers and a local journalist in August 2006. The journalist's photo led to a short news radio interview as well. Obviously, photos were taken prior to the suit and fedora era... :-)

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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