Saturday, August 4, 2018

Government efficiently better if ran like a business, erroneous

The argument that government can be efficiently better if ran like a business is completely erroneous for government forces and monopolizes while businesses must persuade and compete. Truly in a free market (which we are not), without government interference and leverage (which we have much of), businesses are at the behest of consumers rather than government-disabled consumers at the behest of government-enabled businesses. But do not blame businesses for using government, they must to compete with those businesses already using government. For government stands willing and able to interfere and leverage on behalf of favored businesses for various power-exchanges long coveted.

Even if one is a partially or wholly government-subsidized consumer, he/she still operates at a deficit not per an insufficient subsidy but by the subsidy along with everyone else's within the mass interference and monopoly by government directly, indirectly by government-enabled businesses. A call for more government to heal the economy is simply more cheap whiskey for someone already stricken with liver disease....

"The most crucial and substantive difference between government and businesses in a competitive, market-based economy is that the government collects its revenue under threat of punishment, while businesses must earn their revenue through voluntary transactions with customers.

If consumers are not willing to pay a price for a good or service sufficient to exceed the costs of producing that product, the business will fail. Conversely, government doesn’t need to earn its revenue from people who value what they receive in return for more than what they pay. Force is their motivator, rather than the mutual benefit that exists in the voluntary business/consumer transaction."

For entire article...

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

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