Friday, August 24, 2018

Consumed by trifles and trivialities

As I was reading a Washington Post claim to have caught on camera the current president lying, I thought what would be actually shocking news is for a president to be consistently truthful, trustworthy, transparent, etc. Instead, it is common practice for presidents to be otherwise (thus the former hardly a journalistic exposé), particularly common among the three 21st century warmongering presidents; Bush the Father of US Perpetual Wars, Obama the Father of US Drone Wars as well Silencer of Whistle-Blowers and now Trump following quite well in his predecessors' monstrous footsteps.

In short, we allow ourselves to be consumed by trifles and trivialities while far graver issues continue unchecked even unnoticed. Imperatively, a few though what should be obvious examples...

We wallow in the alleged collusion between Trump and Putin as though that is far more threatening to our (already declining) free society, rather the longstanding collusion between the US government and tech companies (communications, social media, search sites, etc) that have been increasingly undermining privacy thus liberty for almost two decades.

We obsess over possible election interference by Russia while caring little for 12+ decades of covert and overt interference even bloody coups, invasions and occupations by the US government.

We are morally aghast with (well staged) tears over the relatively few children effected by US immigration policies compared to the far greater perhaps incalculable number of children terminated by US foreign/military policies. To be clear, this country do not give a damn for the children latterly compared.

We empathize with those uncomfortable upon hearing opposing views, supportive of those offended by rude, hateful words (and rightly so) while freedom of speech is becoming alarmingly controlled socially, intellectually, economically, politically, fast-tracking to be regulated hence punishable legally, judicially (as already done elsewhere). To be clear again, we should encourage polite, civil, respectful speech among ourselves privately, else expect tyranny if we invite government's opportunistically heavy hand.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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