Monday, August 27, 2018

Two recent Saudi attacks in Yemen, US arms and funds involved

Two recent Saudi attacks in Yemen, US arms and funds involved, well supported by covert US intelligence operations, killing almost 100 civilians, the collateral damages were mostly children.

This is not new nor specific to the current president. US involvement in Yemen was initiated by Mr. Obama, only to be horribly expanded by Mr. Trump. Just as Mideast warmongering was initiated by Mr. Bush the Father of US Endless Wars, only to be horribly expanded by Mr. Obama the Father of US Drone Wars and Silencer of Whistle-Blowers.

I would be remiss to overlook the late Mr. McCain who hawkishly supported all the aforementioned and more, so much so Mr. Obama complimented him earlier today by "we are all in his debt" as one warmonger to another. I digressed...

My point. Another shooting is splashed across US news websites and papers while Yemeni atrocities (and others) are under reported or completely ignored. Again, I suppose if it is not reported, it didn't happen. Whether it is domestic shootings or immigrant children, Americans practically trip over and shuffle around incalculable heaps-and-mounds of nameless, faceless bodies dead by our apathetic, unsympathetic yet quite imperially militaristic hands, so to feel somewhat "humane" over something far less significant by statistical, actual therefore ethical comparisons.

My God! Forgive us, although we know exactly what we are doing.

I do not speak ill of Mr. McCain's private legacy for that is to be judged rightly by family and friends. However, his political legacy is another as well debatable matter.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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