Saturday, August 11, 2018

And I continue unapologetic to egotistically quote myself... :-)

And I continue unapologetic to egotistically quote myself... :-)

As quoted from my forthcoming 10th book entitled 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. Performing my final review, to be published/available in a few weeks...

"What political, social, economic or religious elitist can accurately as well ethically presume to be so divinely endowed while humanly limited, to manage and manipulate another individual’s action expressed thus individual consent decided upon individual reasoning deliberated amid individual emotion spurred and individual instinct stirred. Is not the elitist subject to the same human equation."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"It is only by inhumane presumption one can respect and regard their own capability to reason, their own prerogative to consent or not consent, as superior to others. The resulting action is coercion, nothing less than egregious imposition, intervention or prevention of liberty, flagitious destruction of property and/or monstrous termination of life."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"For what is Consent or Dissent if not the sole expression or conclusion of Reason. The gravity even inhumanity of such is by the disregard thus disrespect of that which distinguishes the one specie human and reasonable among all other species nonhuman and instinctive. In this way, it is humans monstrously lowering other humans to animals to be prodded and herded towards the former’s preferences."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"The inhumanity by all forms of Tyranny (all Isms save one) are furthered by the common characteristic of time, that is, the victims’ unpredictable length of life between womb and tomb hence the inestimable percentage of time lost by forceful imposition or confiscation."

D. C. Quillan Stone

"The failure of the 2nd U.S. Constitution to constrain government should be empirically evident, therefore allowing the development of the most inhumane weapon of mass destruction, the economic bomb also known as the central bank."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"By such tyranny or enforced foregoing of labor indirectly, similarly, by such slavery or enforced foregoing of labor directly, time is inhumanely taken, forever unrecoverable per both means, as it is for theft, rape, murder or any other act coercive thus violent, exacted upon dissenting victims."

D.C. Quillan Stone

Quotes by D.C. Quillan Stone

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