Thursday, August 30, 2018

Chances are...

The analysis is quite logically simple but emotionally difficult... First, jot down your list of moralities versus immoralities. Exhaustive or brief list, theological or philosophical list, (seemingly) logical or sentimental list, it matters not. Now list your political positions, domestically or internationally applicable, determined by your previous list, it could be in forms of rights, policies, programs, laws, taxes, regulations, fines, bans/prohibitions, wars and more.

Chances are, most or all items on your lists are not desirable, agreeable even tolerable by all effected and/or involved.

Chances are, you know not all will desire, agree upon nor tolerate your politics.

Chances are, you support the use of political, judicial force upon those unconvinced by your politics.

Chances are, your acceptance of political, judicial force is preceded by presumption that feels more like religious, moral and/or educated principle(s).

Chances are, those who oppose are regarded (and be honest) as mistaken, misguided, unprincipled even selfishly stubborn or simply stupid necessitating the use of force for their "own or common good" of course.

Chances are, you (as most others) see as less tyrannical the democratic majority rule on such matters over oligarchical minority rule, though both result to using force by some upon others.

Chances are, most if not all items on your lists will disregard one or more individuals' singular human right to consent or not consent, inseparably, disrespect one or more individuals' peculiar human ability to reason.

If you are struggling with this analysis, began by merely inquiring in this way. When is force upon one preceded NOT by presumption of another, and when can the presumption of a consenting few, some, many or most religiously or morally trump the prerogative of dissenting others.

If you are not struggling, instead you disagree, then you highly regard your own political presumptions therefore prefer trumping others' personal prerogatives. Any other view of it is arbitrary regardless the religious or moral trappings.

As a tangent note, I purposely used the verb "trump" for many despise the current president (perhaps rightly so). But is not the aforementioned "trumping" far more despicable logically thus ethically, indicting all presidents, politicians, bureaucrats, agents, officers and more critically, indicts our own politics as citizens as well condemns our own covetousness for political power over others.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Quote by D.C. Quillan Stone

Monday, August 27, 2018

Two recent Saudi attacks in Yemen, US arms and funds involved

Two recent Saudi attacks in Yemen, US arms and funds involved, well supported by covert US intelligence operations, killing almost 100 civilians, the collateral damages were mostly children.

This is not new nor specific to the current president. US involvement in Yemen was initiated by Mr. Obama, only to be horribly expanded by Mr. Trump. Just as Mideast warmongering was initiated by Mr. Bush the Father of US Endless Wars, only to be horribly expanded by Mr. Obama the Father of US Drone Wars and Silencer of Whistle-Blowers.

I would be remiss to overlook the late Mr. McCain who hawkishly supported all the aforementioned and more, so much so Mr. Obama complimented him earlier today by "we are all in his debt" as one warmonger to another. I digressed...

My point. Another shooting is splashed across US news websites and papers while Yemeni atrocities (and others) are under reported or completely ignored. Again, I suppose if it is not reported, it didn't happen. Whether it is domestic shootings or immigrant children, Americans practically trip over and shuffle around incalculable heaps-and-mounds of nameless, faceless bodies dead by our apathetic, unsympathetic yet quite imperially militaristic hands, so to feel somewhat "humane" over something far less significant by statistical, actual therefore ethical comparisons.

My God! Forgive us, although we know exactly what we are doing.

I do not speak ill of Mr. McCain's private legacy for that is to be judged rightly by family and friends. However, his political legacy is another as well debatable matter.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Consumed by trifles and trivialities

As I was reading a Washington Post claim to have caught on camera the current president lying, I thought what would be actually shocking news is for a president to be consistently truthful, trustworthy, transparent, etc. Instead, it is common practice for presidents to be otherwise (thus the former hardly a journalistic exposé), particularly common among the three 21st century warmongering presidents; Bush the Father of US Perpetual Wars, Obama the Father of US Drone Wars as well Silencer of Whistle-Blowers and now Trump following quite well in his predecessors' monstrous footsteps.

In short, we allow ourselves to be consumed by trifles and trivialities while far graver issues continue unchecked even unnoticed. Imperatively, a few though what should be obvious examples...

We wallow in the alleged collusion between Trump and Putin as though that is far more threatening to our (already declining) free society, rather the longstanding collusion between the US government and tech companies (communications, social media, search sites, etc) that have been increasingly undermining privacy thus liberty for almost two decades.

We obsess over possible election interference by Russia while caring little for 12+ decades of covert and overt interference even bloody coups, invasions and occupations by the US government.

We are morally aghast with (well staged) tears over the relatively few children effected by US immigration policies compared to the far greater perhaps incalculable number of children terminated by US foreign/military policies. To be clear, this country do not give a damn for the children latterly compared.

We empathize with those uncomfortable upon hearing opposing views, supportive of those offended by rude, hateful words (and rightly so) while freedom of speech is becoming alarmingly controlled socially, intellectually, economically, politically, fast-tracking to be regulated hence punishable legally, judicially (as already done elsewhere). To be clear again, we should encourage polite, civil, respectful speech among ourselves privately, else expect tyranny if we invite government's opportunistically heavy hand.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Kindle price from $3.99 to $1.99

I requested the publisher to permanently reduce the Kindle price from $3.99 to $1.99 ... Per the book's topic, it seems appropriate to make the e-book version as widely accessible as possible...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Monday, August 20, 2018

It started with an idea

It started with an idea and working title My Allegiance (purposely misleading) in 2006 while writing thematically related verses for the 4th book Commentaries by an American Poet. At the time, I was conducting a 6-week solo peace demonstration in front of the Alabama state capitol in Montgomery, when on a hot August afternoon while looking down Dexter Avenue from the capitol steps, I decided to write a book on "my allegiance" to peace and liberty oppose to merely a flag and a country-turned-empire. Although it became immediately clear, more reading, studying and pondering were necessary thus repeated a thousand times in preparation. Of course many books, essays, lectures, articles, interviews, podcasts, videos, etc have influenced this project, it was the particular re-reading the two treatises by Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) entitled Human Action and Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition that morphed the emphasis from peace and freedom to the Singular Human Right to Consent, thus inseparably the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason.

The lower 4 photos were taken by sympathetic onlookers and a local journalist in August 2006. The journalist's photo led to a short news radio interview as well. Obviously, photos were taken prior to the suit and fedora era... :-)

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

My 10th book is now available....

My 10th book in paperback is now available at Amazon (click link or book cover). Other sites and stores will shortly follow as well the hardbound and e-book versions...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

And I continue unashamed to egomaniacally quote myself... :-)

And I continue unashamed to egomaniacally  quote myself... :-)

As quoted from my forthcoming 10th book entitled 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. Performing my final review, to be published/available in a few weeks...

"The good citizen, the obedient subject and the sacrificial patriot are always the objectives of government, thus externally generous as internally anxious to educate the youth, the preferred means to the coveted ends. For truly coveted are individuals’ life, liberty and property, so much so, government will forcefully take them from individuals or cleverly convince individuals to give them up quite willingly."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"The third Jeffersonian right, the unalienable Pursuit of Happiness, have become the copious denotation, fallacious justification and erroneous summation of all rights conjured thereafter. Encouraging political otherwise criminal actions to underwrite imaginary rights, while theft and confiscation are justified even moralized as taxation and eminent domain."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"If the aims of United States were peace as declared by President Bush in 2004, then were aims achieved, for whom, and at what cost? If not ambitions of empire, then someone, anyone identify and define the objectives for two centuries (and more) of violently aspirant preoccupation towards domination. Determined to perpetuate the fiction, President Obama declared at the 2009 inauguration, “America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.” O Peace; an era yet begun thus a role yet played. Regrettably, Christian-Americans persist to hymn their hypocrisy to the Prince of Peace, as Other-Americans insist to glorify their trifles and arbitraries, while hailing as God’s anointed or morally enlightened their preferred warmongering Caesars."

D.C. Quillan Stone

Quotes by D.C. Quillan Stone

Saturday, August 11, 2018

And I continue unapologetic to egotistically quote myself... :-)

And I continue unapologetic to egotistically quote myself... :-)

As quoted from my forthcoming 10th book entitled 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. Performing my final review, to be published/available in a few weeks...

"What political, social, economic or religious elitist can accurately as well ethically presume to be so divinely endowed while humanly limited, to manage and manipulate another individual’s action expressed thus individual consent decided upon individual reasoning deliberated amid individual emotion spurred and individual instinct stirred. Is not the elitist subject to the same human equation."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"It is only by inhumane presumption one can respect and regard their own capability to reason, their own prerogative to consent or not consent, as superior to others. The resulting action is coercion, nothing less than egregious imposition, intervention or prevention of liberty, flagitious destruction of property and/or monstrous termination of life."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"For what is Consent or Dissent if not the sole expression or conclusion of Reason. The gravity even inhumanity of such is by the disregard thus disrespect of that which distinguishes the one specie human and reasonable among all other species nonhuman and instinctive. In this way, it is humans monstrously lowering other humans to animals to be prodded and herded towards the former’s preferences."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"The inhumanity by all forms of Tyranny (all Isms save one) are furthered by the common characteristic of time, that is, the victims’ unpredictable length of life between womb and tomb hence the inestimable percentage of time lost by forceful imposition or confiscation."

D. C. Quillan Stone

"The failure of the 2nd U.S. Constitution to constrain government should be empirically evident, therefore allowing the development of the most inhumane weapon of mass destruction, the economic bomb also known as the central bank."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"By such tyranny or enforced foregoing of labor indirectly, similarly, by such slavery or enforced foregoing of labor directly, time is inhumanely taken, forever unrecoverable per both means, as it is for theft, rape, murder or any other act coercive thus violent, exacted upon dissenting victims."

D.C. Quillan Stone

Quotes by D.C. Quillan Stone

Friday, August 10, 2018

So why am I egotistically quoting myself

So why am I egotistically quoting myself... :-). Yes, admittedly, poets/writers are self-absorbed, narcissistically assuming their readers-without-purpose wait giddily with anticipation for the next creative spasm of rippling butterfly-effect-like significance, desperately hanging on each and every poetic word, literary phrase and inebriated grunt. Consequently, poets/writers are also a bit psychotic. Normally that would be however in this case, merely a shallow, self-serving, marketing ruse... :-)

As quoted from my forthcoming 10th book entitled 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. Performing my final review, to be published/available in a few weeks...

"All actions Past, Present thus Future are judged without exception as rightful, moral or ethical by those involved or affected per Reason manifested by Consent or Dissent, a commonly ignored consistency nonetheless universally constant."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"Interaction is obviously and constantly indicative of individual reason towards individual purpose or preference thus individual consent, the obvious and constant precedence for groups’ achievable purposefulness."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"Diversity is a consideration of individuals first and foremost, not of groups, else it is a matter of denying individuality in part or whole, in a word; presumption, first cousin to covetousness."

D.C. Quillan Stone

Quotes by D.C. Quillan Stone

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Three banners with quotes

UPDATE: Three banners (more forthcoming) with quotes taken from my newest book (see cover/link further below), feel free to use or abuse, post or burn (metaphorically of course)...

"Rights are conjured, save the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent, hence either applicably erroneous or worst, requiring commodities and services by forceful measures. By so doing, the one aforementioned right of course is disregarded, inseparably disrespecting the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"It follows, when reason’s expression per individual consent as well dissent are honored in rhetoric and practice concerning all matters, only then can be found genuine fairness, equality, justice, freedom, that is to say, the sole ethic among non-omnipresent, non-omniscient and nonomnipotent thus quite finite mortals."

D.C. Quillan Stone

"The propensity to compile lists of morals and rights, as well to conjure excessively longer lists of laws, codes, ordinances and policies determined presumptuously, arbitrarily, intrusively, always lacking unanimous support (majority at most), have been among the gravest of misunderstandings and undertakings throughout history, and in so doing brutishly disrespecting even brutally disregarding the actual one moral, one right, one basis for law or code, and one social justice since the first encounter of two, three or more; the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, inseparably the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent."

D.C. Quillan Stone

Quotes by D.C. Quillan Stone

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Government efficiently better if ran like a business, erroneous

The argument that government can be efficiently better if ran like a business is completely erroneous for government forces and monopolizes while businesses must persuade and compete. Truly in a free market (which we are not), without government interference and leverage (which we have much of), businesses are at the behest of consumers rather than government-disabled consumers at the behest of government-enabled businesses. But do not blame businesses for using government, they must to compete with those businesses already using government. For government stands willing and able to interfere and leverage on behalf of favored businesses for various power-exchanges long coveted.

Even if one is a partially or wholly government-subsidized consumer, he/she still operates at a deficit not per an insufficient subsidy but by the subsidy along with everyone else's within the mass interference and monopoly by government directly, indirectly by government-enabled businesses. A call for more government to heal the economy is simply more cheap whiskey for someone already stricken with liver disease....

"The most crucial and substantive difference between government and businesses in a competitive, market-based economy is that the government collects its revenue under threat of punishment, while businesses must earn their revenue through voluntary transactions with customers.

If consumers are not willing to pay a price for a good or service sufficient to exceed the costs of producing that product, the business will fail. Conversely, government doesn’t need to earn its revenue from people who value what they receive in return for more than what they pay. Force is their motivator, rather than the mutual benefit that exists in the voluntary business/consumer transaction."

For entire article...

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Friday, August 3, 2018

Hot, humid yet quite beautiful Mississippi afternoon

Hot, humid yet quite beautiful Mississippi afternoon... By far my favorite track by Jimi Hendrix (see link below). Humbly my opinion of course, this instrumental should be Mississippi's state song and sole anthem, the complimentary Magnolia banner as the flag as well, or anything else symbolic that has nothing to do with wars and violence. I passionately hold the same position nationally.

Martin Luther King Jr. was quite right when he eloquently sermonized on Christmas Eve 1967...

"We will never have peace in the world until men everywhere recognize that ends are not cut off from means, because the means represent the ideal in the making, and the end in process, and ultimately you can’t reach good ends through evil means, because the means represent the seed and the end represents the tree... Now let me say that the next thing we must be concerned about, if we are to have peace on earth and goodwill toward men, is the nonviolent affirmation of the sacredness of all human life. Every man is somebody because he is a child of God."

He not only lived and died by his principles, he never violated nor killed others in the name of his principles, not even towards those who sharply countered or gravely threatened him. However upon the aforementioned, simply changing anthems and flags does nothing as long government(s) continue as they are, else new anthems and flags will soon represent wars and violence as well.
Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Peace in Mississippi by Jimi Hendrix

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Yet how do all pretend a holy war?

"Yea, if they kindle coals, and blow the flames of devouring wars, that leave neither spiritual nor civil state, but burn up branch and root, yet how do all pretend a holy war? He that kills, and he that's killed, they both cry out: 'It is for God, and for their conscience.'"

Roger Williams (reformed theologian/minister, 1603-1683)

O how his critique applies today, therefore rightly levied against United States' Neo-Roman foreign/military policies... Roger Williams was a reformed theologian, prolific writer as well nonviolent founder of Rhode Island upon fleeing the poli/socio-religious tyranny in Massachusetts. He wrote the book (title not misspelled) The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience per his convictions regarding the freedom of conscience whether religious, political, social thus philosophical, ideological. Williams also wrote the book A Key into the Language of America where he encouraged the humane treatment of the indigenous as equals and rightful occupants of the continent. He condemned the forceful confiscation of indigenous lands, thus in favor of mutually agreeable negotiations for the same. Rhode Island was only the colony in North and South Americas founded on such principles. Truly a man unique, individual, ahead of his time, consequently I recommend reading both books.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).