Saturday, October 26, 2019

I am an INDIVIDUALIST... Ayn Rand

"I am an INDIVIDUALIST who believes that there is NO CLASH OF INTEREST among people and that ANY TALENT IS A HELP, not a threat, to another talent." --- Ayn Rand (1905-1982)

Quote was recently posted online by UK Liberty Party, consequently my post.

It is because of this statement and others similar by this tremendously intelligent lady, as well many related implications by the gentleman Ludwig von Mises, that I began to prefer then embrace the word INDIVIDUALISM. As I consistently define, INDIVIDUALISM is merely "the singular human right to consent" or not consent on all matters, as the conclusion to "the peculiar human ability to reason" (thus titles of my 10th and forthcoming 11th books). Not to the exclusion of other compatible isms of course, rather those considerations synonymous and/or subset of INDIVIDUALISM.

The sanctity of private property, personal liberty and one's very life are not foundations themselves nor rights as often categorized. Instead the three along with any other like examination will root and root deeply near or next to the stream of reasoning, the sole human distinction among all nonhuman species, the peculiar ability singularly manifested by the conclusion of consent versus dissent, hence INDIVIDUALISM. All other notions of rights as well isms must flow from this else not a right nor ism justified at all, and the atrocity resulted; the singular right to consent inhumanely trampled.

For what is Libertarianism if not the expression of INDIVIDUALISM's various arrangements and activities as consented. For what is Capitalism if not the expression of INDIVIDUALISM's particular arrangements and activities as consented regarding his/her capital. For what is Non-Interventionism if not the expression of INDIVIDUALISM's respect and regard for others' various arrangements and activities as consented by them. And the logic, right, ethic thus truth carries on and on without exception. To clarify further, all isms political, social and economic lacking the consent of one or more, therefore disrespecting and disregarding the dissent of one or more, commits violence against INDIVIDUALISM.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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