Sunday, October 20, 2019

Like it or not, Mr. Chappelle is "consistently" right one way or another...

"Gentleman, that is fair,” concluded Dave Chappelle during his Netflix special Sticks and Stones (see YouTube link below), after clarifying that women should be allowed to consult any or no one on the issue of abortion. "And ladies, to be fair to us, I also believe that if you decide to have the baby, a man should not have to pay," Mr. Chappelle equalizes then categorizes, “That’s fair." To take the matter further, he interestingly compares, "If you can kill this motherfucker, then I can at least abandon ‘em. It’s my money, my choice." He finalizes the segment by logically dismantling the comfortable nest of inconsistency that many prefer so to satiate their arbitrary preference, "And if I’m wrong, then perhaps we’re wrong."

My point is, without consistency in ponder, purpose and practice there is no right, no morality, no ethic, no principle and certainly no truth, only preference and presumption remain.

On a personal note (not Mr. Chappelle's)...

I can already hear the retorts categorizing the pre-born child as nonhuman, or mere tissue similar to an appendix or tonsil while post-born child as quite human therefore Mr. Chappelle inappropriately even insensitively compares apples with oranges. Yet is he really? For who is more likely risking arbitrariness, one arguing the pre-born child as nonhuman or tissue, versus one arguing the pre-born child as quite human? A fertilized hand (forgive for my frankness) will never become a human child, nor fertilized skin anywhere else on the body, certainly not a fertilized appendix, tonsil, etc. All across the universe and beyond, only a "humanly fertilized human egg" will become human and human only, not fowl nor fish, not reptile nor beast in the field; human! Upon conception, empirically, logically it is at least prehuman, potentially human, partially human, a bit human if not human completely.

If to insist the pre-born child as nonhuman, then one must also insist on rescinding laws protecting fertilized eggs of eagles and condors, for it follows those too are non-eagle and non-condor although scientists, protectionists and environmentalists say otherwise. My point is, again, without consistency in ponder, purpose and practice there is no right, no morality, no ethic, no principle and certainly no truth, only preference and presumption remain.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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