Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Nothing more than a Green version of Fascism

Nothing more than a Green version of Fascism is the latest of popular environmental movements therefore political proposals, fanatically emphasizing Global Warming as though some indisputable Great Satan of a Bourgeoisie sort of course, to be self-righteously eradicated by Government's brutish force with faddish support in Endlösung-esque fashion. In this way, overtly slandered as deplorable perhaps covertly considered as expendable are those who reject, disagree, question even merely suggest further discussion.

To be fair, this Green Fascism coupled with American Socialism are not without precedent. For decades, both Democrats and Republicans have been quite Socialistic thus Fascistic in their own respectively convenient demagoguery thus economic methodology where differences exist solely among a few objectives and degrees.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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