Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Columbus Day: One Consideration Overlooked

Whether one has misplaced pride or recreational scorn regarding the celebration of COLUMBUS DAY, one "far more important" consideration is often overlooked.

The European/Columbian discovery of the Americas as sponsored by the Spanish Crown was of course a government endeavor. Like all government endeavors (i.e. public roads, space program, solar/wind projects, etc.), it preempted any effort to do the same or something more innovating by private enterprise. Worse, these poorly placed publicly funds create a "path of least resistance", thereby becoming a economic as well political magnet for further malinvestment by government's corporate cronies as well other companies, investors, speculators, manufacturers, developers, etc.

If a private enterprise, would the New World discovery occurred in the 15th century or soon thereafter, and would it occurred as it did with all the associated atrocities against the indigenous that followed? It could be said with some reservation, private endeavors would have occurred later in history, perhaps much later. For in the 1490s, consumer demands at the time were insufficient enough to discourage such a grandly expensive speculation.

It could be also said however with certainty, far less atrocities against the indigenous would have occurred. If by no other reason per lack of government involvement and expenditure making private enterprise incapable of the same large-scale acts, hence facilitating mutually agreeable negotiations between European speculators and Indigenous landowners. For when involved, government thus its endeavors have far reaching ill effects per backing by the central bank as well taxes, purposefully favoring far fewer benefactors while unavoidably disfavoring far more victims than any private endeavor would have otherwise.
Most who are scorning Columbus Day do so unaware for the wrong or lesser reason. And if aware, they prefer not thus discount my aforementioned consideration for it indicts present-day government endeavors therefore atrocities they covet consequently support, hoping to parasitically glean.

In the US capitol's rotunda is the painting Landing of Columbus by John Vanderlyn (1775-1852), commissioned in 1836, installed in 1847. I suppose Columbus' discovery of New World resources therefore his landing mirrors quite well the US government's discovery of Mideast resources and subsequent landings decades later by the American Imperial Legions led by Caesars Bush, Obama and now Trump.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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