Monday, October 7, 2019

Ms Ocasio-Cortez's latest push for rent controls...

Ms Ocasio-Cortez's latest push for rent controls will only exasperate the homelessness she hopes to eradicate. She is either unable or unwilling to see the very polices she supports, particularly regarding minimum wage, as contributors to further unemployment thus gateways to homelessness. She lacks understanding of the detriments as well, for just as price caps lead to less goods and services, just as wage hikes lead to less jobs, so do rent controls lead to less rentals.

Additionally, if she succeeds in imposing rent controls, is Ms Ocasio-Cortez prepared on behalf of landlords to cap prices for replacing water heaters, cap estimates for replacing roof shingles, or (God forbid) cap related wages for such repairs? Of course not, for most elected officials are incapable of perceiving the entire ripple effect per the political stones they toss into the economic pond, proceeding headlong without thought and upon inevitable failure without responsibility. Within these conditions, why would anyone speculate and venture into rental property, and/or maintain similar existing assets.

The congresswoman along with many colleagues and supporters rant clueless to the many past failed attempts by government to manipulate the economy, necessitating her present attempt already doomed, subsequently inspiring her and other politicians to propose more government manipulations until ultimate ruination of the economy. Hence the solution is not more legislation but rescission, rescission, rescission.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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