Wednesday, October 2, 2019

To clarify, I shall define my use of particular words and terms...

To clarify, I shall define my use of particular words and terms...

Fascism like Communism are first and foremost economic isms; the former a top-down regulatory methodology from initially partial to ultimately total control of the economy versus the latter a bottom-up confiscatory methodology from initially partial to ultimately total control of the economy. Both power-exchange with the masses using Socialism as the tossed bread to appease the Roman mob whether underwritten by Fascistic and/or Communistic methods. By this understanding, American Cronyism is a close first cousin to Fascism thus the path most likely to it.

American Cronyism is also referred to as Crony-Capitalism or Corporatism. Not to be confused by the uniquely sustainable Capitalism, a mere subset of activities within the peculiarly ethical Individualism hence the singular human right to consent or dissent on ALL matters.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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