Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I would rather have a self-serving congress and vice-ridden president

I would rather have a self-serving congress and vice-ridden president opportunistically rescinding upon rescinding as well wildly vetoing upon vetoing laws, regulations, taxes, programs, bans, sanctions, treaties, wars and so on, than a dutiful congress and decorous president righteously legislating and virtuously signing a single well-intended law, regulation, tax, program, ban, sanction, treaty, war or anything else their presumption may imagine and propose.

If I cannot have that, then perhaps a sharply partisan stalemate within and among legislative and executive branches hence nearly no further passages of laws, regulations, taxes, programs, bans, sanctions, treaties, wars and so on. Media will as before critique government as broken, I will declare government as hobbled thus fixed.

Either way, far better restored or longer preserved Life, Liberty and Property therefore logically, practically moving closer bit by bit to respecting the Individual's singular human right to consent or dissent on all matters.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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