Sunday, September 2, 2018

Which politicians are rightly qualified to eulogize a passing senator

Which politicians are rightly qualified to eulogize a passing senator who supported foreign/military policies that terminated hundreds of thousands perhaps incalculable number of civilian lives that included grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, students, children, toddlers, infants even unborn at market places, schools, hospitals, wedding parties, in the streets as well homes?

Presidents who also supported thus executed and escalated foreign/military policies that terminated hundreds of thousands perhaps incalculable number of civilian lives that included grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, students, children, toddlers, infants even unborn at market places, schools, hospitals, wedding parties, in the streets as well homes!

To note, though he did not attend the funeral, Mr. Trump is as "rightly qualified to eulogize" as his presidential colleagues. However, one could argue he has not "executed and escalated foreign/military policies" for as many years as his predecessors, Mr. Bush for 7 years, Mr. Obama for 8 years, nor "supported" the same as long as Mr. McCain's 31 years.

May Mr. McCain, as well civilians terminated by U.S. foreign/military polices, rest in peace.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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