Saturday, September 8, 2018

There may be confusion

I just shared this link in a conversation a moment ago, and by now, others perhaps noticed this brief section (see/read the link) published at the end of my new book...

Hence, there may be confusion among two camps of thinking. First, those who are theologically driven may find it difficult to align my book's ethical emphasis and conclusion with a re-affirmation of faith. Maybe not totally discount it, but see it as overly excessive. Second, those who are not as theologically yet more socio-morally driven may also find it difficult as to why one topic would necessarily, logically align with the other. Again, maybe not totally discount it, but see it as overly excessive.

It is enough to say, such an aforementioned alignment can exist between personal affirmation of faith, preceded by a proactive decision to set aside faith, followed by 20 years of personal reading, studying, pondering (and repeated 1000s of times) in the areas of first comparative denominations and religions then history, political surveys, philosophies, logic/ethics, economics, even bit of psychology, sociology, all combined some may call it praxeology (or not), and more.

It is also enough to say such an aforementioned affirmation of faith does not necessarily manifest in expected or usual manners. My mission (if you will) is to write and share regarding the "singular ethic" lacking certainly among all societies, as well lacking among most individuals, equally so among both religious regardless of theology as  well moralists regardless of ideology.

Sounds arrogant? Perhaps, for I am quite susceptible to the human propensities towards error and excess. However, before dismissing the prevailing thesis and priority on the "singular human right to consent or not consent on all matters" in my newest book, that is to say in favor of something else, you as well are quite susceptible to the human propensities towards error and excess.

I know, that still sounded arrogant upon confessing my arrogance. My apologies. And my arrogance may have inspired me to possibly write a follow-up book... :-)

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Confession I - By Logic Then By Faith (as published in my 10th book)...

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