Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Community cannot be without Individuality

Politically, socially, economically thus consistently, ethically emphasizing INDIVIDUALITY over COMMUNITY empowers thus benefits the former of course, but not at the expense of latter, rather for it's benefit in direct proportion incrementally.

How would it be logically possible for Community to be harmed if Individuality is benefited per the respect for each individual's preferences hence regard for their rightful consent or dissent on every matter. Is not Individuality a prerequisite to Community, for Community cannot be without Individuality, therefore Community's well-being cannot be without Individuality's well-being.

To consider the other side of the same coin...

Politically, socially, economically even democratically (all minus one or more) thus unethically emphasizing COMMUNITY over INDIVIDUALITY empowers thus benefits the former, consistently at the expense of few, some, many or most Individuals in direct proportion detrimentally.

How would it be logically possible for Community without Unanimity to be benefited without Individuality first being harmed per the disrespect for individual preferences of a few, some, many or most hence disregard for their rightful consent or dissent on every matter. Again, is not Individuality a prerequisite to Community, for Community cannot be without Individuality, therefore Community's well-being cannot be without Individuality's well-being.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Possible installment for possible book, as followup to the newly published book (see profile's cover photo).

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