Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Rescission not Legislation

My own US Senator Roger Wicker (Mississippi), along with others, are espousing the usual political "optimism" per latest economic numbers as conveniently generated by government, quite similar to his and others' pre-2008 optimism. Political optimism over the national economy is not the sole flag of course, regarding the looming bust to the post-2008 Bush-Obama-Trump bubble, jointly puffed up by their cronies at the Federal Reserve. Whether clueless or colluding, such cheery rhetoric among politicians is certainly the modus operandi in Washington.

Every politician who supported and/or credited themselves for similar positives leading up to 2008 economic bust, should have been voted out of office for their stupidity or dishonesty. Yet, here we are, with much of the same politicians, with some new ones, all playing along as though this time is going to be different and better. The answer is not the other party, nor new up and coming candidates, neither term limits or any other additional policy compounding formerly installed policies will suffice.

The answers are; rescission not legislation of laws and taxes, decrease not increase of governmental powers and roles, liberation not regulation of economic activities domestic or foreign, reactive not preventive policing thus criminalizing, defensive military inside not offensive military outside borders and coastlines... You get the point.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

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