Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Facebook posted earlier this week, "Building Peace Together!"

Government cronies at Facebook posted earlier this week, "Building Peace Together! Communities can make good things happen all over the world. Join all of us at Facebook today in hoping that kindness will lead the way."

Firstly, the rhetoric is dull per thoughtless overuse, although manipulatively clever per usual stirrings of sentiments even emotions often overwhelming publicly collegiate reasoning, nonetheless...gravely flawed!

Secondly, "building peace" can only begin with the Individual. Only individuals freely determining a personal choice, preference thus "consent" (or dissent), and if unanimously consented then possible are nonviolent changes using nonviolent means, strictly "among" themselves therefore "within" their group or community, consequently, peaceful ends achieved.

Thirdly, "kindness will lead the way" is vague therefore questionable. It must be assumed and intended the phrase "kindness will lead the way" is personified and manifested as "kind leaders" rising to power democratically or tyrannically, proclaiming "kind policies" universally, executing forcefully yet kindly the same policies by "kind laws, kind regulations, kind taxes, kind fines, kind fees, kind licenses, kind bans, kind prohibitions, kind embargoes, and various other kind interventions, kind intrusions, and kind interference" in most every social, economic, private, personal affair. All "kindly imposed" upon whole communities, kindly with consent of few, some, many or most, kindly against the dissent of most, many, some or few, ergo "kindness will lead the way" with much political, legal force.

Fourthly, "make good things happen all over the world" horrifically smacks of political, economic and military interventions on grand, inhumane scales. It is the same sort of "kind" sentiment, though more grandiose, driving American Imperialists and their supporters to spread democracy to other countries, thus when translated; US military in 150+ of 195 countries, of course for "kind" reasons.

Why am I so harsh on Facebook? They and other social media companies, along with the communication industries, are cooperating and colluding with the American Empire. Overtly oft' covertly providing information (probably this post as well per used keywords) to the US government, in collaboration of other efforts within the larger War on Terror as initiated, escalated and continued by monstrous warmongers; Caesars Bush, Obama and now Trump.

With such collusion (making any alleged Russian collusion quite insignificant by comparison), Facebook and other government cronies are not in the moral position to admonish their subscribers and customers towards "building peace together" and "hoping kindness will lead the way". The hypocrisy should be  ethically repulsive.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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