Saturday, September 15, 2018

All political Isms imagine a condition or society

All political Isms imagine a condition or society new, improved and/or merely preferred, for some promulgated "collective good" or purpose of course, with or without the consent of all thus necessitating the use of force for implementation.

Individualism imagines not rather empirically observes some desired "individual good" or purpose, often involving others, with their consent thus rejecting the use of force for implementation in favor of mutual regard, agreement for respectively speculated benefits.

To restate slightly different...

Individualism imagines not rather empirically observes "what was", "what is" therefore projects "what will be", per human actions since the specie's created or evolved dawn of consciousness, that is to say, since human beings first began to reason, expressed by consenting to this over that, or dissenting to that over this.

All political Isms imagine "what can never be", rejecting the empirical "what was" and "what is", desiring to manage and manipulate some, most or all human actions, that is to say, disregarding the Singular Human RIGHT to Consent or not consent on all matters, therefore disrespecting the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON.

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