Friday, September 21, 2018

Book projects 11 and 12; drafted thus far 5 pages and 40 pages respectively

Book projects 11 and 12; drafted thus far 5 pages and 40 pages respectively... And so, this is how it starts; a blank piece of paper or empty document, working titles merely as motivational and directional ploys, with much persistent and repetitive reading, studying and contemplating preceding, and thereafter, its 99.99% f--kin' perspiration and 00.01% inspiration. If anyone tells you different, they are lying for the sake of listeners (many of those aspiring want to hear that), or they only wrote one book and can't write another per seeking a second-wind inspiration that will never come for sorely lacking is the agonizing perspiration; old-fashion hard work. A book project is fulfilling of course, particularly when published, however with sparsely intermittent pleasure (at best) along the way... :-)

As far as poetry, one should not expect their work to be nothing more than 99% dung or dull, and 1% that perhaps touch the reader's sentimental, emotional or contemplative nerve. Rarer still is the "My God!" affect or wow-factor. Even among the most celebrated classical poets this is true. Furthermore, the poet him/herself cannot determine that 1%, only readers can do so, sooner or later, over time, often long after passing, and not always the same line or verse as thought by the originator. With that said, the 1% that touches a nerve or the 00.01% inspiration, is only possible while penning the 99% dung or dull, well drenched by the 99.99% perspiration.

Study, ponder, labor, till last breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

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