Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Long overdue is the returning of currency to some (metal) standard

Long overdue is the returning of currency to some (metal) standard, or better still, break up government's forceful, unethical even "inhumane" monopoly on currency. In this way, allowing consumers to rightly, preferentially determine type of currency (ie. redeemable promissory note versus fiat), type of commodity-backing (ie. gold, oil, wheat, gadget, widget, etc), among competing providers. The only monetary role for government is to maintain courts, so consumers can file suits against providers per lack of disclosure (as one example, issuing redeemable promissory notes beyond available commodities, else the excessive notes are deceptively fiat).

Many dismiss as antiquated the backing of currency with gold, silver or any other consistently valued commodity. Yet, when the central bank's inflationary measures, necessary for government's socialistic and/or militaristic policies, finally run currency to zero value or nearly so, people will turn to gold, silver, cars, plows, eggs, cigarettes, delivering, ironing, and any other commodity and service to barter. Long before this inevitable end, people will hedge against the deflationary currency by specifically expanding portfolios, buying then storing (hoarding) consistently valued commodities, lobbying for cost-of-living wage increases, or merely, desperately spending currency today before inflating prices tomorrow, else unnecessary if currency was commodity-backed.

Lets be clear. The only objective for removing metal standards thus fiat currency, is to create cyclical, economic bubbles for temporary gains for the politically privileged few or some, by expanding the supply of commodity-less money, benefiting solely  "first spenders" upon each round of newly printed dollars; government, government contractors, crony corporations (ie. those who received bailouts, as on example), and more. The "last spenders, the hard-working consumers, are stuck with the deflated dollars, unfortunately both their dollars previously saved and dollars newly acquired are detrimentally affected. This Keynesian monetarism appears to create (or conjure) wealth for bubbles always seem so, even up to one minute before midnight if you will, until the unavoidable bust. Blame of course is never appropriately placed on politicians and their cronies at the central bank, rather, always tossed over the fence towards the private sector; speculating, predatory loaning, etc. yet all merely responses to central bank's policies.

Lets also be clear. The aforementioned  speculating, predatory loaning, etc. are intended, expected and desired by the government and central bank else there would be no reason for their monetary expansionist policies thus no reason to instigate cyclical economic bubbles. They pretend to be shocked and appalled at such activities "gone wild", and their pretense furthers more laws, regulations even prosecutions, knowing they will be festering another bubble on the heels of the bust. This is where we are now, one minute before midnight per 10 years of bubbling on the heels of 2008 bust, as festered by Bush, Obama and Trump administrations along with the central bank cronies at the Federal Reserve.

The root of all evil is not money itself, for money is merely representational of human time; my time, your time. Consequently, would we say human time is evil? Of course not, human time is precious, God-given and quite individual, and so is anything that represents it. The evil is the covetous love of others' money, the envying, coveting thus confiscating of others' human time represented by currency earned, envied and coveted by the politically empowered, and by anyone influencing the politically empowered via lobbying, campaign-funding as well simply electing.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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