Friday, October 2, 2020

Social/economic normalcy never returning says CNN and others...

CNN and others are now declaring social/economic normalcy as never returning (if they have their way), even suggesting those who disagree having a psychological condition or disorder called "normalcy bias". An obvious ploy to instill fear of being so clinically labeled however ridiculously unfounded. 

These are further attempts towards indefinite as well incremental behavior manipulation by compulsion and fear. In this way, CNN and others ignore their own classic textbook "control freak" symptoms of one or more personality disorders; antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic, obsessive, etc. 

These disorders are observably combined with measures of psychosis along with psychoticism per an ever-widening chasm between logical reality and political fantasy upon an ever-deepening abysm between ethical comprehension and covetous predisposition, as well an ever-increasing juvenile impulsivity upon ever-escalating adolescent hostility in response to any or all rightful mature dissension. Like children, they want their way and will pursue it by any means necessary.

Those politically opposite (as they gloat over such criticism) have been as complicit either by covert passivity or patronization if not overt pander or participation.

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