Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Presumption of Innocence is long lost...

Public schools conducting virtual classrooms have assumed their already excessive authority now reach into the privacy of homes hence bedrooms, suspending students for political posters on bedroom walls and as of this week, for a BB-gun safely mounted on a wall rack. 

If this politically biased despotism is allowed to continue, emboldened teachers will not hesitate sending social workers to students' homes for further investigation of conjured suspicion. 

It is for such scenarios I objected since the late 1980s to empowering social workers entering homes based on suspicion alone. Yes of course, there is the risk of actual domestic abuses occurring unchecked until gathered the evidence necessary for judicial purposes. But I contend now as I did then, far greater the risk and harm per this kind of undefined bureaucratic power. And NO, laws, programs and policies are NOT automatically justified if it will "save just one child" nor is it morally worth the lost of individual privacy, liberty and property.

Truly, PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE is long lost if to consider the aforementioned public schools' overreach with MeToo's "Believe All Women" thus implied condemnation for all men without due process, as well lost of job, position, office or reputation by mere accusation of racism, sexism, hate'ism of various sorts and more. 

By this thoughtless path we now tread, everyone therefore critics even proponents are at risk, and will be eventually ill affected.

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