Friday, October 2, 2020

Nothing as grotesque as the meeting of a child with a bullet...

"Congress is government, sir. I worked for the government once... Indians! Indians were the issue in those days. There is nothing as grotesque as the meeting of a child with a bullet or an entire village slaughtered while sleeping. That was the government's resolution of that particular issue. I've seen nothing since then to persuade me it's gained in wisdom, common sense or humanity."

Colonel William Ludlow

As played by actor Anthony Hopkins in the 1994 film Legends of the Fall. 

There is of course nothing inaccurate about the character's description of the American political era then regarding the Indigenous, if also described of the American political era the last two decades regarding the Mideastern Indigenous if you will. Where equally grotesque per eras then and now are the meeting of a child with a bullet or drone. 

Like Colonel Ludlow, I too have seen nothing to persuade me the US government gained in wisdom, common sense or humanity during the Bush, Obama and now Trump administrations on this inhumanely neglected issue.

What is the resolution for such grotesqueness capable only by an overly enlarged thus grossly empowered government.; RESCISSION of laws, taxes, programs, policies, sanctions, prohibitions, goddamn wars and more!

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