Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fascism longstanding in America...

One of many examples of actual Fascism longstanding in America...

US Senate committee hearing in progress involving CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter reinforces the bipartisan support for mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership between government and corporations. Far more disturbing than the hearing's purpose regarding censorship, each senator preceded questions with complimentary and grateful remarks for the CEOs and their corporations' willingness to cooperate (collude) and partner (conspire) whether for criminal and terrorist preventions/investigations as well general surveillance. The openness is as appalling as it is ignored.

The solution is NOT more government oversight, interference, regulation, etc, but RESCIND all contracts, partnerships along with all other biased polities and legalities so these companies have to compete politically unfavored.

Let us consider Fascism, that is, the "top-down regulatory" control of economy and society at large (oppose to Communism's "bottom-up confiscatory" control) via gov't contracts, gov't/corporate partnerships, business/profession licenses as well laws, regulations, taxes, fees, fines, gov't loans, grants, subsidies, artificial low interest rates, prohibitions, sanctions, bans, tariffs and more, backed by a police-statism, militarism (here and abroad) supplemented with extensive surveillance of near endless forms. 

Unless perceptively blind, this should seem quite familiar.

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