Sunday, October 4, 2020

As Boeing moves 787 production from Washington state to South Carolina...

As Boeing moves 787 production from Washington state to South Carolina, it affirms yet again people as companies or individuals will vote by their feet against governments' excessive laws, regulations, policies, taxes as well against gubernatorial/mayoral tyrants.

What was the response by Governor Inslee of Washington? Not change in laws or policies, certainly no change in demeanor or posture, but unfounded self-pride and arrogant chastisement.

"Washington state remains the best place in the world to build airplanes. Boeing's success as a company is a credit to the workers and taxpayers of Washington state. Today's announcement is an insult to the hardworking aerospace employees who build 787s."

Mr Inslee, it is not an insult, rather the rightful exercise of freedom thus free enterprise.

I hope and pray Mississippi governor and government will watch and learn.

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