Sunday, October 25, 2020

Mourning the Rise and Fall of California...

If not now then when should mourning commence reflectively for the rise and fall of California per despotism's most self-righteous form as seen this past week (i.e. gubernatorial Thanksgiving mandate, see my previous post). Thus appropriately, the lyrics from the Gregorian chant Kyrie Cuntipotens Genitor of 900 AD...

Cunctipotens genitor Deus omnicreator eleison
Salvificet pietas tua nos bone rector eleison
Spirte alme eleison

All-powerful Father, God, Creator of all things, have mercy
May thy compassion save us, good ruler, have mercy
Most gracious Spirit, have mercy

For numerous years, I have found such music/chant logically contemplative, quiescently meditative, the Gregorian as much the various Eastern Orthodox and Armenian chants/hymns, Tibetan om and flute, American Indigenous flute, Arab oud, Spanish guitar and more.

Yes, I contend my particular faith and theology, however God through humanity provides near endless varieties in music and art to both stir then solace the mind as well the heart and soul. It is how we are wired if you will, are we not.

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