Monday, October 5, 2020

Separation of Economy and State... Mike Wallace's 1959 interview of Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand's rightly proposed a separation of Economy and State, just as the somewhat longstanding separation of Church and State. I would propose a similarly hard separation between Science and State (per tyranny of recent months) which would be redundantly so as a mere subset of Economy...

"I'm opposed to all forms of control. I am for an absolute laissez-faire, free, unregulated economy. Let me put it briefly. I'm for the separation of state and economics. Just as we had separation of state and church, which led to peaceful co-existence among different religions, after a period of religious wars, so the same applies to economics. If you separate the government from economics, if you do not regulate production and trade, you will have peaceful cooperation, and harmony, and justice among men."

Ayn Rand (1905-1982)

As interviewed by Mike Wallace in 1959. One can easily conclude by this interview how particularly biased journalism were passed down from father to son Chris Wallace. 🙂

See link/video for entire interview...

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