Sunday, February 7, 2021

My 11th book PUBLISHED and RELEASED, purchase paperback now at Amazon, other sites/retailers soon to follow...

My 11th book PUBLISHED and RELEASED, purchase paperback now at Amazon, other sites/retailers soon to follow, hardbound/ebook available within days. The follow-up to previous book thus entitled More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters...


In today’s democracies peopled with minds well propagandized by government funded schools, two or more sets of principles coexist, rarely questioned the inconsistencies if raised at all. First and privately, a person lives by whatever preferred set of principles driven in part by religion, philosophy and/or sentiment, combined harmonious but more likely disharmonious with inherent propensities regarding their own life, liberty and property. Second and publicly, the same person supports whatever preferred set of principles; sometimes organized as partisan planks and platforms, else formed by trendy isms per academia or media, perhaps wildly melding an array of political postures per personal attachments, however the mode, always in contrast partly or wholly to inherent propensities regarding their own life, liberty and property.

It is by this oddly practiced dualism, violence assured and embedded covertly or overtly in political/legal systems. Unavoidable as well prerequisite of course are the disregard for the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters intimate, private, philosophical, , public, social, political, consequently, ethical, inseparably the disrespect for the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason.

Paragraphs taken from Proem & Poem No. 103 - What Is Covetousness.

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