Sunday, February 21, 2021

Understanding that perfect knowledge is not achievable should never be used as an excuse for not engaging in the search for it...

"To be completely adequate, our knowledge ought to admit of analysis after analysis ad infinitum, so that adequate knowledge would be impossible. But we may consider any knowledge adequate which carries the analysis sufficiently far for the purpose in view."

W. Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)

Further affirmation of a mantra of mine "Study, Ponder, Labor, till Last Breath." concluding every installment in my latest book. For as Mr. Jevons suggested (above) long ago, knowledge may be searched, gathered, studied, tested, determined, noted, reaching some adequacy for application, but never "settled" as politicized science promulgates even imposes today.

Relatedly, as I posted a week ago...

"Understanding that perfect knowledge is not achievable should never be used as an excuse for not engaging in the search for it."

Dr. Ron Paul

Similarly, one of two longstanding mantras of mine Biblically inspired (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23), "Study, Ponder, Labor, till Last Breath." Perhaps, Dr. Paul and I have been pouring from the same damn bottle of whiskey. :-)

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