Monday, February 1, 2021

Many others abroad are gravely concerned of United States digressing further towards (or into) Fascistic totalitarianism...

It should be noteworthy for Americans... Many others abroad of left, right, liberal, conservative and other persuasions are gravely concerned of United States digressing further towards (or into) Fascistic totalitarianism. A digression as I assess it, upon years and decades of bipartisan ill formed platforms and policies as governmental prerequisites incrementally longstanding until exponentially of late.

Ignorantly, many Republicans are alleging the Democrats as ushers of Communism and Socialism, when in truth the latter are not whether aware or unaware. United States' two major parties have always preferred Fascism's "top-down regulatory" methodology so to control some, most then all of the economy oppose to Communism's "bottom-up confiscatory methodology. Additionally, both major parties, not just one over the other, well supported then implemented (and still do) bipartisan Socialism along with Paternalism, Police-Statism, Militarism/Imperialism, Monetarism and more, again, whether aware or unaware.

The parties Democrat and Republican have certainly, equally led the country to this present dire juncture. To understand it differently will foster erroneous conclusions thus foment disastrous solutions.

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