Sunday, February 28, 2021

Societies have digressed to pre-Enlightenment...

Upon recent years' incrementally emboldened presumption then the last year's exponentially boldfaced arrogance, the practice to CENSOR, BAN, DEPLATFORM, CANCEL as well SLANDER, THREATEN, ENDANGER and more have become routine. 

To compound further, governments have assumed despotic measures, their pens presidential, ministerial, gubernatorial and mayoral now royal scepters, by mere stroke thus wave whole economics LOCKED DOWN, businesses CLOSED, jobs ENDED, livelihoods DESTROYED, consequently lives DEVASTATED.

So much so the acceptance even embracement of such, societies therefore economies even sciences have digressed to pre-Enlightenment when religion and government imposed the same inhumane tyranny as ongoing presently.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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