Tuesday, February 9, 2021

When power combines with secrecy.

Frankly, it is a concerning if not disturbing but at times simply tiring the prevailing convenience, expedience as well ignorance driving every slander of late towards any dissent as "conspiracy theory" along with racism, white-nationalism, fascism and so forth.

Not all conspiracy theories involve aliens disguised in suits and ties, tin-foil hats against gamma rays, and more.

With as much government secrecy incrementally longstanding as well increasingly ongoing, is it so extreme to contemplate the many indeterminable unknowns based on the few determinable knowns? What do we know of government's vast secrecy? Well, that is the point, isn't it. We can't know thus don't know. Consequently as an unknown, we can't determine it, calculate it, measure it, assess it.

As I stated prior. "People have allowed for decades the US Government and corporate cronies to operate much in secrecy in the name of security. Yet if secret then how do people know they are secure by it, or know the breadth and depth since secrecy by its very nature is indeterminable thus immeasurable. Within this vast unknown called secrecy, will some still deny the vast unchecked, unrestrained space for potential collaboration, collusion and conspiracy?"

As Lord Acton well stated and I concisely paraphrase, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely!" So it is and exponentially more so when power combines with secrecy.

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