Friday, February 12, 2021

Upon a very wintry eve in northwest Mississippi...

Upon a very wintry eve in northwest Mississippi, upper 20s F, trees weighing heavy and car doors sealed shut with ice, thus warming the human body and soul with centuries old traditions as German cabbage soup, English tea, Memphis distilled rye whiskey as well more recent traditions such as Miles Davis, Stan Getz, Paul Desmond, Blue Mitchell, John Coltrane, Chet Baker seductively exuding from the Marshall speaker...

On my knee is the 1916 book Thinking as a Science by one of my favorite writers/thinkers Henry Hazlitt (1894-1993), though having read long ago his more notable works Economics in One Lesson (1946) and truly his hallmark in my opinion, The Foundations of Morality (1964).

"Liberty is the essential basis, the sine qua non, of morality. Morality can only exist in a free society, it can exist to the extent freedom exists."

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