Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sunday morning breakfast...

Sunday morning breakfast; Colombian coffee beans French roasted and espresso'ed, topped with Reddi-Wip cream of Indiana and Hershey's chocolate syrup of Pennsylvania and similar chocolate on the side, along with fine Venezuelan rum while listening to Gregorian, Russian Orthodox and Armenian chants upon reading something theologically Reformed by long passed-on writers German, Dutch, English, Scottish, aft' reading something economically laissez-faire by long passed-on writers Austrian, French, Taoist, American of various ethnicities.

Only among FREE MARKETS FREELY TRADING, that is to say, economic activities without borders, individual actions without governments' interferences, restraints, regulations, taxes, sanctions, bans, prohibitions as well without subsidies thus without mitigations of each and every person's responsibilities and risks, may such DIVERSITY be rightly desired, obtained, practiced therefore "sustainably" even robustly continued... My apologies.

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