Monday, June 11, 2018

We covet others' freedoms and possessions

While consent is expected even demanded in some aspects of life, and rightly so, it is otherwise strangely ignored even appallingly despised. This is true among the most bombastic defenders of freedom or pious upholders of morality. Why? As coined in the 1985 pop song, "everybody wants to rule the world" or at minimum, everybody wants to rule their neighbors as well strangers locally, regionally if not nationally. At the crux, we COVET others' freedoms and possessions, sooner or later manifesting as presumption then violence (any action exacted upon one dissenting), cleverly formed as political policies, programs, laws, taxes, wars, etc.

Plainly, for various perceived benefits we desire to forcefully manipulate others' actions in private and public life, as we seek to confiscate others' income, profit and/or property. Insidiously, we disguise our covetousness as concern and charity while accusing those who dissent as unethical even immoral, selfish even greedy. Our covetousness have conveniently, opportunistically turned on head what is actually good as evil, what is truly evil as good per the prerequisite disregard for the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

The "woe" are the inevitable consequences suffered due to the unsustainable as well unethical actions and activities levied against the one and only human right to consent or not consent. Not only a human right but natural law that cannot be circumvented, when transgressed consistently sets in motion a digressive thus destructive series of causes and effects. Digressive and destructive for always necessary is use of force legal (or illegal) whenever imposing and intruding upon dissenting individuals. Therefore immediately injurious to those imposed and intruded, as well the unavoidable and unsustainable overhead of effort and resource per the administration of force, while furthering inherent moral hazards by festering excessive behavior and poor decisions among the recipients of perceived benefits.

Additionally, our covetousness extends internationally in forms of economic polices hence foreign wars. There is no alternative view... If one studies history properly, it becomes self-evident the interesting parallel; whatever is unsustainable, is also unethical. So obviously whatever is unethical, is also unsustainable.


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice. 

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