Sunday, June 3, 2018

While on my Jack-Kerouac-esque, near-endless road trip...

Photos taken and poetry written while on my Jack-Kerouac-esque, near-endless road trip. The short verses (below) were compiled, among many others, in my 8th book entitled [-brief-] published in May 2015, all with the common reference to wine...thus the photos :-) ....


8 sep 2013
punxsutawney, penn.

friends akin to wine and then
the words that stir, now and again
nostalgia as potion hence redolent
mutuality as medicine unexpected
as well the laughter birthed
with life's mucus, by death's mirth
a curse or worst, our humanity


11 sep 2013
balboa peninsula, calif.

she spoke slow o'er wine's flow
`neath searchlights glowing low
he wrote, later from tomb
how he felt, earlier in womb
thence knelt he to her nous of soul
her shadowy crevices of confession
by lovely alchemical depictions
thus his dark corners of rumination
in oddly perennial versification


14 oct 2013
coeur d'alene, ida.

look to skies past for cumulus stains
breathe deeply beyond current strains
more so, drink the wine until remain
the fain space and inner refrain


23 oct 2013
auburn, wash.

fables of lies most delightfully
tables adorned by scorns bountifully
wine dried on thighs voluptuously
aligned to kind sighs venomously

(as lovers worm, wince and writhe
convinced in their ersatz paradise)

below cumulus mounds so beautifully
`twixt accumulative tombs gracefully
mid social cases of thralls supinely
as well vases of skulls sublimely


1 dec 2013
yuma/casa grande, ariz.

the strings hum while horns slur
until a lone sax purrs then moans
as groans by twilight's ardency
oh the urgency per symphony's lust
mid summer-like musk, and so goes
one rose to floor `low black heels
thus music feels to tarrying ears
akin spilled beer or sloshed wine


25 feb 2014
rocklin, calif.

so whence the sublime
to wine fain
thence dine to gain
from thy lips and breasts

o to rest fitfully now
thou in the unrest beautifully
by love’s subtleties
and passion’s honesties

lo his bleeding since
her seceding thence
his gazing in haze of mist
so her fey phase to desist


26 feb 2014
rocklin, calif.

such are pen, paper and poet
a ménage à trois lucent
hence a triune fusion
(lest confused by wine induced)
by coital moments
fomenting subtle comments
of terse curses and verbose odes


13 apr 2014
st. augustine, fla.

lilted notes of tilted piano keys
or melded hertz flirting to flee
weds to cigar smoke and perfume
equally, as attar-tokens that loom
crowning a hundred heads or more
gowning mannequins as wine pours


9/10 jul 2014
lake bruin, la.

bread toiled, then baptized in oil
as mortals 'shuffle off' their coils
akin coals, o'er heads, the beacons
by wine souls sublime and minds reason
`low golden lamps, beholden to ramp
from self's hell, to logically tramp
and trample propaganda's pell-mell
while feet bleed upon broken shells


19 sep 2014
horn lake, miss.

encantadora gitana adónde vas
akin to passion's wine spilled
into a thousand little rills
from love's shattered vase

across the tiled floor, todo va
contigo, memories go like water
leaching to sand as time saunters
shit! the goddamn hunger gnaws


30 sep 2014
oxford, miss.

zen goddamn this, or zen fuckin' that
vim yellows like piss by callow chats
deep graves fill shallow with films
of drone kills and smoking youth-kilns
voting booths reel with recast levity
soli-verity for truth by poli-brevity
televisions blare the mongers' anthems
holy wars longer, prolonging the shams
yet mass aligned, hemmed till maligned
ah prism-blind, by popular ism's wine


8 mon 2014 (afternoon)
clarksdale, miss.

much caffeine careens
per serenity intense
bourbon-ed that eve
for odd dreams, since
wine lingers the effects
of head-wrecks immense

copyright © 2013-2015 by d.c. quillan stone

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