Monday, June 25, 2018

Proof of an oversize, excessive, intrusive thus oppressive government

Proof of an oversize, excessive, intrusive thus oppressive government; when people depart from civil discourse and nonviolence, to embrace slander and violence as means to control political offices. Political, electoral processes digress to rhetorical, physical strong-arming when government wantonly terminates life here and abroad, presumptuously restrict liberty and invade privacy, as well covetously confiscates properties, possessions and assets without restraint, so to bestow itself, cronies and supporters.

To blame one party is to gravely miss the point. There is sufficient responsibility to be shared among the two major parties, however more so the people as a whole. Consequently, government's state of affairs is a reflection of society's sense of ethics.

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


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