Thursday, June 21, 2018

Just some thoughts on diversity

Just some thoughts on diversity I jotted down last night while thinking of currently inflamed divisions in this country....

We often think of diversity in terms of "groups" interacting instead of "individuals" interacting, that is to say, groups defined culturally, ethnically, religiously, sexually, etc. Yet groups cannot be so without individuals choosing to be grouped as so.

Regardless of definitions, groups are social, for groups are and remain as long individuals interact. Therefore groups social are groups purposeful or preferential thus consensual, if not at formation then assuredly at continuation. Groups' purposefulness arises simultaneous to the first interaction among two or more. It arises per each individual reasoning then consenting, manifesting by words or deeds in favor to interact with others. Interaction is obviously and constantly indicative of individual reason towards individual purpose or individual preference thus individual consent, the obvious and constant precedence for groups' purposefulness.

One may be of a particular racial, cultural or ancestral group as seen by others and/or even oneself, yet such observations, categorizations or associations say little to nothing of personal ideas and preferences even prevailing emotions and instincts. One may be observed, categorized perhaps expected to be of a certain group, yet that same person may or may not choose to interact within that context. If there is interaction, there preceded individual reasoning then consenting, manifesting to words or deeds in favor to interact within that group. It is the same process for each and every individual in each and every group, prerequisite to the identification of groups' purposefulness. Consequently it is empirical and logical to respect and regard as Individual the reasoning then consenting towards purpose and preference, a necessary precondition to collective or group purpose and preference.

Diversity is a consideration of individuals first and foremost, not of groups, else it is a matter of denying individuality in part or whole, in a word; presumption (first cousin to covetousness).

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


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