Wednesday, June 20, 2018

I would've hoped after 17 years of American warmongering

I would've hoped after 17 years of American warmongering in several countries (with no end in sight), there would be the same moral outcry as levied against recent practice(s) by Trump administration per U.S. longstanding immigration laws by past administrations.

I would've hoped after 17 years of American military atrocities abroad (largely under-reported), initiated by President Bush, expanded by President Obama, continued (and most likely to be expanded as well) by President Trump, there would be the same compassion for the children as well infants, teenagers, mothers, fathers and elderly killed by U.S. bullets, bombs and drones.

I would've hoped after 17 years of American invasions, occupations, operations (covert and overt) thus mass devastation(s) disguised as War on Terror, combined with 47 years of more operations (covert and overt), poli-economic interventions, manipulations thus mass disruptions masked as War on Drugs, there would be an understanding of causes and effects, therefore the largest displacement of people in human history exacted by the U.S. government as intentionally or apathetically allowed by U.S. citizens.

I would've hoped by now we the American people would be shamed to contrition by the incalculable millions of lives ruined and terminated by our well-bloodied hands. Instead, we disregard the one human right while heralding as moral our misguided principles supported by mere preferences schemed by unabashed covetousness.

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9). 

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